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Your typical male chauvanist, Buck Naked is always 
on the ball when it comes to lewd and rude comments. 
He's been to known to piss off some of our dates with 
his comments, which makes us love him even more! 
Buck took over for 'Swingin' Steve' a few months 
ago - rumour has it, the producers heard Buck while he 
was on on a date. They liked him so 
much, they hired him! Welcome, Buck.

Her name says it all - scratchy wit, and a quick temper. 
Kitty has also been known to piss off some of our dates, 
mostly the female ones. She can smell a rat from a mile 
away, and she isn't afraid to admit when she catches 
wind of one. She won't tolerate a boring date, so watch 
out for her to spice things up when things get dull. Kitty 
has been with since its inception, and 
has been a great 'ass'et from day one.
Speaking of assets, Bunny's got the best! And more. As our resident 'influencer', she has been 
known to break up a few couples, as well as having some dates hit on *her*. Well, with an ass like hers, who can blame them? Bunny's job is to listen to the hosts for the next influence, and then approach the dates and apply that influence. Sometimes, things get out of hand, like a few months ago when a particular influence asked for her to spill water on one of the dates. She accidentally knocked over a candle on the table in the process, which led to second degree burns for one of our dates! Youch - watch out Bunny! © 2001 HardCore Four Productions
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